It's like Willy Wonka for adults...

The XXXX brewery tour. Beyond these magical gates lies an enchanted world of amber. Well, that's what I had hoped for anyway, but instead I think we entered the Land of Lame.
But let's not let that get in the way of a beer. Did you know beer was served with a side of penguin in Ancient Egypt? No, neither did we but our good friend Pengy came along for the journey and got up to all sorts of mischief choosing to ignore the signs that said "Look with your eyes not your fingers!"
We had hoped to get photos of Pengy scooting along the conveyor belt of beer bottles a-la Laverne and Shirley style, but alas we were not allowed to take photos inside the actual factory. Here's one for the ladies (Yes, that's what happens to your vision after drinking a few of these babies!).To me it's a concern when the beer has the term "invalid" in the title. I wonder how well this beer would do today?
"Excuse me Sir, please don't sit in the exhibit. Look with your eyes not your fingers!" is what I expected someone to say to me, but alas, there was not a single person in sight. At the end of the tour you are rewarded with some of the precious fluid we came to admire. However, you are only allowed to have one XXX. Yes, XXX . Not XXXX, but the lesser known XXX. We opted to pay for a few extra as the alcohol content of this brew was slightly higher than the rest. All smiles here.What afternoon on this side of the city would not be complete with out a trip to the Paddo Tavern? Brisbane's most famous drinking establishment... especially during football season. The line up to get in here before a State of Origin match begins the day before. Once you're inside you'll either be involved in a fight and be asked to leave or leave in an ambulance. It's tradition.
Ahhhhh, we were happy chappies at the end of the day. Go figure.
Thanks to Mark for taking me along for this journey into the history of beer drinking in Queensland.


The Mutant said...

Holy shit, its like christmes, dying and going to heaven and a dream come true all rolled into one!

My envy tastes like beer right now - you lucky bastard!

wcs said...

Looks like a fine time. Even if a bit lame.