Brian is a 6 Bar Angel. He is one stunning looking fish. Brian is a shy fish. He likes to hide in a little cavern I've built in the tank with some new live rock. He doesn't stay there all the time and is an active member of the tank. He's settled in well and minds his own business not bothering the other fish.
Brian is going to be a little bit of a challenge for me. Angel fish can be fussy eaters. They like to eat sea sponges. So it's been fun to watch him graze and pick at the live rock. He's a great addition to my tank. He's a quick swimmer. As Brian ages his colour will change and the golden tan on his belly will become more pronounced. The blue and white stripes will contract to spots.

Will he need a mate to snuggle up to?
Your description of Brian sounds like my Kindergarten half year school reports :)
Hello Brian!
Looks like you are amassing quite a nice community in your bedroom.
He's soooo cute!
he's very dashing!
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