I just don't get you. With the approach of All Hallows Eve, I got to thinkin' about Zombies. There are so many things which puzzle me about these reanimated corpses.
For example, traditionally they eat brains. But, is it: 'first in first serve?' I mean think about it, you see these films, 100's of zombies surrounding a lone gunman on the car's roof. He can't keep them all away and eventually his foot is grabbed and he's taken down. What happens then? Do the zombies fight each other for the brains or are they polite and go "Oh hey, Barry bagged this one, C'mon fella's let's go and try for someone else"?

When the zombie plague grips Australia I'm so with you Muz!
you seem to have given this a great deal of thought. Zombies rarely pop up in my daily mind-ramblings. I was thinking about camels today, and why they aren't fluffy - they'd be much more acceptable creatures if they were fluffier. Perhaps I should consider zombies whilst I drive my 50 minutes to and from work...
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