Five signs you've had a top night...

  1.  A friend wipes the blood from your forehead. 
  2. You say "Blood? Am I really bleeding." 
  3. You get in a cab, then some time later projectile vom out the door, not sure if the cab is moving or stopped.  
  4. You wake up, throbbing head, smile and say "So where am I?" 
  5. You shared the whole night with lads whose company you really love.


The Mutant said...

You're weekend sounds freakishly like mine.

Except there was no blood, there was Ikea furniture however. And foot-fetish porn. We used to to rest the bottle of wine on if you were wondering (the porn, not the furniture).

Nights like those kick some seriously hard-core arse though!

Dave said...

i had an absolute ball. let's hope we get to do it again sometime in the not too distant future... ;)