5 days of feet...

Bedroom floor

On the train

Bike boots at Sushi Train

On the deck at the pub

Escalator at train station


Lori said...

Are these your feet?

Don't tell me you have a pair of shoes for everyday of the week?

I think my 19 year old daughter has five pairs of shoes for everyday. At least it seems that way when I am tripping over them to get in her room.

Anonymous said...

This was...interesting ;)

LBA said...

I used to sketch my feet. I'm not sure if it was because I found them interesting, of because I could do it with my feet up on a table, watching teev ;)

Muzbot said...

sketch your feet?! You're a mighty creative one... I'm still loving how you created that car for your son...

LBA said...

I found some old foot-sketches when cleaning out the old computer the other day and remembered this post, so came back to see what you'd been up to :)