I love how a haircut...

is an immediate mood lift.
I'm traveling home in the train and thinking to myself that I'll be spending the night cooped up in bed trying to deal with the fluey fevers and cold, when I decided to stop off and get my hair cut.
I've fallen into the habit of fortnightly haircuts now that I'm not paying T&G the outrageous price of $80 per cut... For the same result I get from my local barber, who is probably about 128 years old and can't speak english to save himself. Sure, it's difficult when he attempts to talk to me but I just smile and nod. Sometimes I can make out a word or two and attempt a conversation, but it never goes to far after that because he then chats away and I get so lost.
But I have a nice neat cut and that's a good thing. Now to relax back in bed and hope the next hot fever is the last.

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