Is it offensive...

Brigitte Duclos
to tell a woman you think she's a MILF?

Now the only reason I ask is that, Brigitte Duclos speaks about being refered to as one herself openly. But, if I was to say to a complete stranger (not "complete" she may know a little about me but we've never spoken) that I think she is a MILF would that be way too forward?


KPB said...

I don't even know what MILF means...

lazy cow said...

Sadly for my sex, I would probably be flattered. Creeped out, but flattered. Kim, go watch American Pie. All will be revealed.

meggie said...

I need to watch American Pie also!

Enjoyed reading these blogs- & I am an old fart!
But I have kids your age Muzbot.

KPB said...

I didn't even know she was a mother...

LBA said...

LC's answer sums it up best.

As usual, it all depends on who's offering the compliment too. Some old raggeddy bum on the street with some old brown stumps for teeth ? Um, no . walking away quickly.

Some hot young stud way out of my league ? Lovin' it up.