Highlights from New Years...

I had such a great New Year I thought I would summarise it:
  • Flying into Ballina on Rex - Good service that the other airlines could look to for polite inspiration these days. Hey, passengers were even offered mints as we came into land.
  • Arriving at the camp site in the show grounds.
  • Seeing mates from Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney all together to party.
  • Then meeting new people.
  • Not needing to care about anything.
  • Fireworks that went on.. and on and on.
  • Chatting to a few lads for the first time even though I've wanted to say hi for ages
  • Watching the sky turn from black to daylight
  • Helping the hopeless twinky lad in the tent next to me understand he had his gear on inside out.
  • Laughing at the clueless twinks who were so wrapped up in themselves to care about anyone else.
  • The young lesbian who thought we could help her find a girl who wasn't too old, who doesn't wear make-up, who was not butch, and awake at 5 in the morning (Kind of an impossible challenge don't you think?).
  • Feeling a little wrecked and jumping into a pool and feeling alive again.
  • Feeling comfortable in my skin.
  • Having the bar manager server us a cheeky beer before the bar opened.
  • Dancing 'til the sweat literally ran down my body.
  • Then feeling the tingle of cool rain on my skin.
  • Dancing to Kate Bush's "King of the Mountain".
  • Watching everyone just have a bloody good time.

1 comment:

Dave said...

i would love to be out dancing to kate bush! :)