I'm loving this right now...

My mates and their company.

My friend Chris's enthusiasm.
My friend Gleno's "How ya doin'?" txts
My friend Killer's eyes.
My friend JJ's laugh.
My friend Farmer's attitude towards everything.

The way my friend Kookyknut's beautiful smile lights up any room.
The way my friend Judo's understanding and tenderness really does hit the spot.

and so much more in life, but these things are just the best. Sometimes you realise that you are one lucky person. Tomorrow will come and these people will be part of it for me. So I'm lucky.

For one night I'd love to get all these friends, and for those that are lucky to have them, their partners, around the kitchen and dining room for a get together so they all could meet.


Steve said...

Blessed is he who can call another, friend.

kookyknut said...

awww... I need to teach you a song I learnt in primary school.

Smile, don't you know God loves you,
Come to think of it, I love you too.
Take the time to smile at someone and before you're through,
Someone will be smiling back at you!

meggie said...

I just had to come from Kim to see your post.
I am with Steve!

Muzbot said...

And for those who don't know, JJ is my friend Kim.

Steve said...
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Steve said...

For those who may be having a bit of a grind with Christmas - Here's a loverly site that has a great page on the Sprirt of Christmas www.MindSoulSpirit.com.au
Love your chrisie decos, very festive.