and I was there to see it. By pure coincidence.
And the funny thing was, I had been here once before on a wendesday night when this show was on at the pub, and it was probably one of the crapiest nights I had had this year. And it happened here only a few weeks ago, so it is still fresh in my mind. Only once or twice before in my life had I had crappier nights. The First being when my 10 year relationship ended... I felt like I didn't want to visit this place again on a wednesday night for a long time.
But, when my mate Tim txted me earlier today, I was thinking, "Cool, a few games of pool to round off a few days of fun! I'm crap at pool, I just don't get it, but I always love chatting with someone over a game of pool..."... skip forward an hour or two and:
- I'm watching on the big screen "Sex and the City: Season 2", and Ok, sure it's only on the projector screen at the local, but yes, in full colour, the series that, made it "ok" to laugh about relationships.
- But, I was torn between this on the big screen, and "When Good Citizens Go Bad and get Caught on Tape!" on the smaller screen. Hey, I saw a truck tailor get absolutely SMASHED by a train!!! Storm chasers capture a tornado up close on video! It was, wait for it Kookyknut, "Awesome"!
- I was stuck there.
- And, having a good time.
- A few beers later, Kookyknut wins "BEST DRESSED"! Yes, that's "Best Dressed at a Sex And The City Night!" Damn it! Why wasn't it me?! Damn, I need some new T shirts!
- Could this night be any different to the previous night I was there on a Wednesday?
Yes it could. Tonight, I enjoyed myself. This topped off a bloody enjoyable day all 'round. Actually, it topped off a good xmas break, which in turn, is a great way to end the Year.
I feel like I haven't read any blogs for ages! It certainly was a little more civilised than our last adventure to "Dagland".
My D&M comment would be... its the nature of things to move in cycles. It’s like we get a taste of stuff again to see if we have got the hang of it. If not, we get another go. I want to to be able to read the signs that are presented, recognize where I’m up to in a cycle, like you did at the pub, rise above the fray to get perspective, and then, best of all predict what might happen next today, by referencing the old cycle, then you can be ready for what comes next. But people get lost in cycle after cycle and can’t see, become tired and lost somewhere between the spin and rinse cycles, people like me. Light heartedness is the key I recon, ‘cause attitude governs altitude. But still, getting your heart broken bloody hurts.
Thanks for sharing.
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