I just love...

walking in the rain. Yesterday, after what can only be described as a shit day at work, I left the office behind and stepped out into the grey evening. As I went for my umbrella, I stopped myself and thought "I really don't care."

My pace home was casual. As the drizzle accumulated on my skin, turning it from dry to wet, my whole spirit relaxed. Each little trickle that ran down from my brow across my cheek and into my beard seemed to be treating me to some sort of natural zing that my counterparts missed out on as they dashed past me under the shelter of their umbrellas. For half an hour it seemed as though I had no care in the world... I arrived home wet but happily refreshed.

It's raining again today.


kookyknut said...

i love walking home in the rain, getting saturated, then treating myself to a long, hot bath.

Anonymous said...

every now and again, the raindrops on your skin stop being annoying and become something more cleansing.

celebrate those moments. the next time you're enjoying the rain on your skin, take off your shoes and walk the rest of the way barefoot.

it's beyond spiritual.

Monty said...

Sounds fab Muz. Unfortunately, if it rained here, I would freeeeeeeze my arse off...it's sooo cold! But I'm loving it! I must say, when it's warm, I love the feel of rain on my skin!

Darth Gateau said...

warm rain is the best - I love it. Now when I hear the phrase/song "raining in my heart" it'll mean something far more positive.

Hope your subsequent days didn't/don't require such dire need for healing rain.

Tales of the City said...

Walking in the rain with some special and barefoot is amazing. Once managed a paddle and swim in the rain (in a pool) in Mexico which was amazing as the rain was warm.. I was wet anyway and the floating watching the drops hits the pool's surface, blend and merge into one. One of the most special memories I treasure.. Glad you enjoyed yesterday's walk.

Trevor Messersmith said...

Rainy days are my favorite...especially this time of year, when the leaves are changing and starting to drop.

Anonymous said...

my bike broke down in the rain once...waiting for NRMA in the rain with my bike on the footpath...there was nothing exciting/satisfying about that.

Anonymous said...

forgot to sign my post...
