I'm wearing this hat...

because last week I was busted for not wearing shoes at work.
To be honest, I didn't think people could see my feet that well under my desk. I'm an OH&S disaster just waiting to happen.


Adaptive Radiation said...

Not sure if wearing a hat is going to full the OHS tyrants from noticing that you are still not wearing the shoes.

Adaptive Radiation said...

Oops...just realised I mispelt 'fool'. Damn these swedish keyböårds (my läme excuse)

wcs said...

I'd be worried about stray staples in the office carpet. I've snagged a few socks that way, back when I used to be an office type.

The Mutant said...

Incredibly, despite the fact it's insanely dangerous, our work still expects us to wear ties in the workshop. I just pray I'm not the sucker who gets mine caught in a moving fan belt.

Don't suppose I could use that hat when you're done with it?

Monty said...

We have our "Safety Day" on Friday - it's very exciting - we get to watch a DVD about safety and stuff. Can hardly wait...

If only I had your hat, then I could get extra brownie points! LOL

Darth Gateau said...

did the rest of your office have any safety warnings about those butt ugly feet?

