I'm loving this right now...

HDR. High Dynamic Range images.
I took my camera for a walk this evening. The fresh air and purpose for the walk cleared my head a little. I wanted to try my hand at the new digital image format HDR. Total 32bit goodness.
My first attempt at creating a 32bit format took me close to 45 minutes for just the one image and a less than impressive result.
The image above is my favorite one from tonight and is my fifth attempt.
I need a new tripod I think to be able to get the stable exposures I require to perfect this format. However, I think I am starting to get the hang of it. I'm still learning about this format, so bare with me while I experiment with it.


Anonymous said...

It gives the image some depth. When I look at I say to myself "there is something about this shot, it's good, but I just can't put my finger on it".

A Table For Two said...

ooh dearrr... the HDR hell... good work but have to say HDR is notorious in photography world... ;P

seymour said...

Bare with you? Who wouldn't dear Muz.

Monty said...

ha ha ha! Seymour picked up on the typo too!

But the pic was worth the wait Muz!

Muzbot said...

Bugger... I hate that. I can't go back and edit the post either now because your comments would make no sense.

Seymour: "Bare" / "Bear" either way it's all good for me. ;)

Billy: HDR gives me the chance to combine 3 of my loves - Photography, re-touching images in Photoshop and my High Definition monitor. I know HDR is not for everyone... But have you seen some of the surreal almost gothic-like city images that have been produced? I love the "fantasy" captured in the images.

Judo: It's all real, but it's also highly manipulated. The data range needs to be manipulated to get a 32bit image down sampled to display it in an 8bit jpg format.

A Table For Two said...

muzbot: yup... definitely not my cup of tea, sorry. :) it's fun to play with I guess, but I don't think I need to bore you with my theory in photography. I do seen some amazing HDR portrait work before. Check this out www.matthoyle.com he has some good HDR portrait work and won numerous awards.

Steve said...

beautiful. I’ve been treating a man who recently went blind. I’m honored to to be in the “trench” with him - for the real confrontation, when the world goes black, all you are felt with are memories. I’m at a loss as to what to be more grateful for…. that the creator made this beauty or that he gave me the gift of sight to perceive it ...mmmmm and oh how I squander this precious gift.