Bit of a big weekend...

I keep telling myself that I really should grow up soon, but surely I'm not too old for these sort of weekend shenanigans just yet.

After hanging out with "long lost friend" on Friday evening (having fun helping him with his new Mac), I had going away drinks to attend for another good friend who is moving to Qld. These started at 11pm and I had every intention to only stay for an hour or so because the celebrations were in one of my least favourite nightclubs, Arq. Yes, handbag heaven Arq. Well, before I knew it it was daylight outside and 7am Saturday morning and I was having a great time still boogieing my arse off to really crappy music. Why stop now? So down the street we trundled to the local dayclub. The thing I like most about these sort of unplanned evenings are that they are so much fun and you meet so many new people.

Luckily dayclub closes at 1pm and I was home by 2. Rest. Then up and out to grab dinner and do some late grocery shopping. Sleep.

Up at 6am Sunday morning to get ready for the annual Sydney Running Festival. I had really lacked preparation this year so I wouldn't make the half marathon distance and opted early on for the 9km Bridge run. It was an enjoyable run, apart from the few occasions where I felt my brain bouncing around my head as I ran. Really, at a couple of sections of the race my brain felt like it was mushy and slopping up and down as I ran. Totally weird. But I think I was pretty much on pace to be equal to last year's run. Very happy about that.

Following on from the race I popped my head into dayclub once more just to say a final "goodbye" to my mate who was continuing the party, then home to some sweet sweet slumber. And boy did I sleep well!


Monty said...

Holy hell, how the heck do you do it "at your age"??? LOL Did you see Tom (Tom's Place) in the run???

Tom said...

I did wonder whether you were running again this year. I was on my way home when the 9km race was finishing! No way I could have done it on no sleep though. That's committment! :)

The Mutant said...

I'm such a Nanna, I don't think I'd be able to stay out that late in the first place, let alone run 9km a day later. You are a machine Muz... Well done!

Muzbot said...

I can't take all the credit for the big effort... My mates Dave and Adrian were there encouraging me along (just as I did with them) all weekend. We are such a bad influence on each other.
Tom: I kept an eye out for you, but assumed you would have finished by the time I started. Well done.

Anonymous said...

you have to be commended for your stamina mister....there is no way i could pull an all niter then run 9kms....christ i couldnt even run 9kms after a good nights sleep.

your long lost friend.

Adaptive Radiation said...

Encouraged by mates or not, it's still quite an achievement. I now understand why you can give in to your gelato cravings without any adverse consequences.

Darth Gateau said...

I don't even run a tap. It's too exhausting. Is it possible to complete the run in a sedan chair?