The weekend that was...

involved a lot of riding. So here's a picture from today... busted perving.


kookyknut said...

so long as you don't try perving when you are attempting a handstand.

KPB said...

Spunk. Rat.
Oh sorry, YOU were busted perving.

Bec said...

Bulli Pass?

am I right?

Muzbot said...

Bec: Very close. Bald Hill at Stanwell Tops. It's one of my fave stop points. There's always heaps to look at, and during the afternoons, when the sea breezes come in, the paragliders just fill me with a sense of awe. Every time I ride away from there I think to myself "I'm going to try that one day".

KPB said...

ooo me too - they do that off Warriewood as well - and there are days I just sit there and gaze at the freedom of it all, thinking, "One day."