It's a first attempt ok...


Steve said...

Gee Muz, that was a really courageous thing to do, because it was real, I would have felt just the same way, embarrassed, what would people think of me. The biggest fear people have is public speaking - the fear of what people would think, if they see me as an imperfect human being - unrehearsed and vulnerable. There’s a saying that goes; Fear knocked at the door, Faith opened it, and there was no one there.
When we meet new people in person we want to be on our best behavior, to show a nice side of ourselves, its a bit fake, but we want to be liked. The internet raises the level of fake to new heights. You can be a 50yr old fat bloke masquerading as a 15yr old girl. I guess what you did was breakdown some of the layers of fake. You didn’t edit. For those who had their idea of you dashed, well thats called infatuation, admiring ones idea of someone, a creation inside our head. People fall out of admiration when they see aspects of the real person for the first time. They were there all along but our eyes were closed.
So here’s a hug for doing what you did, but I don’t want to encourage singing The Only Living Boy In New York into a hairbrush for your next vlog!
Steve’s up late and unravelling the lag.

Muzbot said...

Ha! Don't worry Steve, there'll be no singing... ever.

Monty said...

Hey Muz, just found your blog and I'm liking what I'm reading (and seeing/hearing - great vlog). And never fear, being yourself can only be good...and from my perspective, it's all good! ;-) Enjoy your beer this arvo.

kookyknut said...

Made me laugh. I have so much work to do and already i'm reading blogs.

When all else fails: use the F-word. I liked it.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic first video blog!!

Braver man than me. I felt for your struggle to find the content, but rolled around laughing with the fark-fark-fark ending!!!!

Look forward to more.

Cheers, Paul

A Table For Two said...

LOL, what a crack up! sorry... very brave indeed, I always planned to do podcast, but never get around to it. I turned the mic on, blurbed a few words then stuck, hence, I still havent have a podcast! Perhaps I should just keep going "fark! fark! fark!" for 20mins. :P

Bazbear said...

Mate, that was fun to watch. Just got my computer back so been catching up on all your entries. Great to hear your voice.