Notice anything different?

I've made it obvious by adding two big arrows. This is the left and right hand side of the swingarm on the rear wheel on my bike. For a few weeks now, I've been hearing a clicking noise occasionally when I ride. I was never sure what it was and looked and looked for what may have been causing it. Well, I finally found it. My chain was very loose and my WHEEL COULD HAVE FALLEN OFF!
Ok, that may be a little dramatic, but I have heard that it has happened before to riders. Luckily, I noticed the missing swing arm nuts and plate on the weekend and put young Ude in for a service and repair. I have him back in my garage tonight with all his bits and pieces checked, repaired and back in place. Sometimes I feel like I have more than my fair share of luck on my side.

1 comment:

Travel, Rants, Recipes and Raves said...

Maybe you have a guardian angle sitting behind you on that bike!! LOL