Sometimes in life, you have a calling...

I picked up the carefully laminated notice and to my horror I read "Unfortunately we will no longer be serving prawns..." "You'll have 2 weeks to continue enjoying the yellow mole and prawns... so plan accordingly. Thanks for your understanding"

People, we have two weeks to change the world - and in effect, change history. You can help save the prawns. You can help save the yellow mole. Join me.

I can not let this receipt be the last of its kind.

*note to those who study this receipt carefully, yes, that's not my real name. I always like to change my name to something different each time I order at a place where they ask for a name. Tonight I was Brad.


Mike said...

Oh come on Brad, admit it. You liked it, didn't you? There's no crime in giving yourself over to pleasure. Brad, we've wasted so much time already, Janet needn't know, I won't tell her.

Darth Gateau said...

er... what's yellow mole? I don't think I like it, even if it comes with prawns.
I can't believe they fell for "Brad", you lokk nothing like a "Brad". You look more like a "Colin". Or " Brenda".

Mike said...

Tell me, Brad, do you have, any, tattoos?

T said...

So did you take a jump to the left, followed by, a step to the riiiiiiight ?

Monty said...

I'm with Darth...yellow mole???? Yeuch!!!

Tom said...

Actually when I first looked at this I saw "Ricardo", which must be the guy who served you, so Brad seems more believable.

Next time you should definitely say McBrad though!

LBA said...

I know someone who ordered a coffee once, from a place that writes your name on the lid ... and she ordered it under the name "Mucus" just to see it written on her cup...