she's an anemone. A pink tipped bubble anemone. She's taken up residence in my room. I invited her in as a home for my two clown fish, Sandy and No.2. So far both Sandy and No.2 have not discovered their new home. I think they are dumb. Sorry boys, but as far as clown fish go, you're really stupid. They just swim by her with out even attempting to get used to her. Kind of rude of them really.
Give them some time. They're just pulling your leg...
They're clowns. Just because they have jolly, accommodating faces doesn't mean they're actually friendly, welcoming types - it's all painted on. Deep down all clowns have a dark and moody secret - why else would they dress in stupid trousers and oversized shoes...? Because they've got a grudge of some kind against humanity. I'm tellin' ya. Clowns ain't nice people.
Oh. Er. Um. You pushed my clown button. Sorry. ahem...
I think it's an accomplishment you managed to introduce No 2 into the tank and not have Sandy beat the living daylights out of him.
Btw...are your clowns captive bred? I wonder if this might have anything to do with them not immediately taking to the anemone??
well, gay fish simply doesn't want to run their faces against hundreds of boobies with pinkie nipples, do they? :) eeeewww...
I think Billy may have beaten me to it, Blanket looks like a big pile of tits. Personally I'd be stoked to have a house like that, but I know its not for everyone!
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